A Work of Fiction

Martin and his girlfriend Steff have moved into the cottage of their dreams in deepest, rural Wiltshire.
Read her diary and live the life.

Rundown and Romantic

How This Blog Came About

Firstly, thank you for taking the time to visit this site!

Being well aware of how little time we all have to sit down and read other people's scribbles, I have begun to create a world glimpsed through one woman's fictitious diary; a world you can dip in and out of whenever you're feeling slightly bored of your own routine, or are in need of that five minutes of escapism that only good fiction can provide.

Of course, going back to that whole time thing, where we don't want to sit and wade through a ream of off-beat literary ramblings (or if not literary, then at least literate, one hopes), it occured to me that a diary would be the perfect vehicle to feed you the latest snippets of Steph's life in her old Wiltshire mill home. It serves like a door left on the crack, where she can't see you but you can keep up to date with all that goes on in her life. You can finally give vent to that nosey neighbour that hides in every one of us! There are pictures too, which are, naturally, the open windows that go with the cracked door.

For a deeper understanding of Steph and Martin, and an introduction to the other residents of Chittham, please visit The Residents of Chittham.

To glean something of other work I have in progress - a novel called The Angelina Cause - please flip to Other Projects.