A Work of Fiction

Martin and his girlfriend Steff have moved into the cottage of their dreams in deepest, rural Wiltshire.
Read her diary and live the life.

Rundown and Romantic

Tuesday, 21 December 2010

December 2010

I don't think I've ever seen so much snow! It just keeps on coming, night and day, eclipsing every last hint of green and reducing the summer to vague memory.

I took a walk in the orchard earlier with Joe and Bertie, our dog. Joe didn't like it when snowy lumps collapsed into his wellies. He stood there stiff with indignation until I came to his rescue with a warm towel and a dry pair of socks. Bertie - eager to explore as always - took one deep sniff of the white air then bounded off enthusiastically, only to plummet dramatically into a white, powdery hole. At least it made Joe laugh and forget about his freezing toes.

Might wrap some more presents later when Martin comes home. Hot chocolate time first, though. I'm sure there are some marshmallows lurking somewhere in the kitchen...

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